My Favourite Song

Now Playing : Bondan Prakoso And Fade 2 Black - Kita Selamanya
Now Playing : Bondan Prakoso And Fade 2 Black - Tetap Semangat

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Kepri, ”The Beauty of Nature”

Kepri, ”The Beauty of Nature”

Oleh: Hotlan Edward Sitompul

Membangun Brand Pariwisata Kepri
Brand yang penulis maksud di atas adalah berkaitan dengan merk, nama, image berupa kesan atau citra, yang gampang diingat dan dikenali oleh masyarakat atau pengunjung.

Menurut Free Dictionary. com, definisi brand adalah A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer. Sedangkan menurut, brand adalah Is a product from a known source (organization), the name of the organization can also served as a brand. The brand value reflects how a product name or company name is perceived by the marketplace, wether that is a target audience for a product or the marketplace general.